[SPONSORED ADVERTORIAL : GlucosCare Tea + Giveaway]

This is how I took the tea out from their packaging!
A person should not take too much of the sugar. GlucosTea is here to help you!
GlucosCare Tea helps to reduce sugar absorption in the body. For example. I've prepared a cup of 100 Plus and Honey drinks. Decided to use 100 Plus as a example before consuming the tea.
Drink it after meals, not with an empty stomach!
The tea itself is tasteless. All the sweetness for the 100 Plus was gone! Just nice for me!
You can also try it out for yourselves after claiming the sample!
Drink a cup of Coke, or even eat a sweet to try the difference,
And then, drink the GlucosCare Tea,
And drink the coke/ eat a sweet again!
A big difference! :D
Look at my face. The impression is to tell you that the taste of 100 Plus Sweetness was gone! ^^
2-3 teabags daily. Use hot water and steep for a few minutes. Do not add sugar. Each tea bag can be used for 2 - 3 servings. Drink if after meal will serve the best result.
A healthy natural tea to try out. Having this tea after my meals now as it helps to reduce sugar level. Staying healthy keep you young!
Free Samples for PrincessJaneDiary readers!
Only for the first 20 readers! :D
(Take Note: Limited to 1 Sachet per household only)
(For people who are residing in Singapore only)
Email : info@glucoscare.com
Subject: "GlucosCare Tea, controls your sugar level naturally"
I would like to claim GlucosCare Tea Sample from princess-lifestories.blogspot.sg
Name :
Mailing Address :
Please take note**
- GlucosCare Tea is not suitable for pregnant and lactating woman
- GlucosCare Tea is HALA (ALL Malay do not need to worry about consuming it)
More information:
GlucosTea is now selling at all NTUC Fairprice, Watsons, Guardian, Unity, OG, Mustafa and Chinese Medical Halls
Available in 60 Sachets and 24 Sachets in a box. Get yours now! :D
Any Reviews, Advertisements Enquiries or Advertorial needs, do email to princess-lifestories@hotmail.sg!
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