Blinking and Shinning during a party~
Blinking and Shinning during a party~
Heading to a party? You may consider this set.
I'm in love with this set!
I'm in love with this set!
This is more the the casual type. Simple and Easy! :D

This is how you pair with stripy blouse! :D
A casual day out to school or shopping would be the best! :D
I'm not into romper, which means I am not suit to wear any romper (look awfully)
Love to try the one on the left and right! :D
But if can, I would like to all try! :D
Black and red! It's pretty cool to wear white with red skinny/jeans!
In the mood of pastels?
Pastel colours just look so sweet!
Love white? Pair up with the latest trends of accessories!
Outfit for Friday afternoon tea session. This would be great :D
Winter? This set of clothes suit you! :D
Love the leggings
Comfort clothes on a Friday night ♥
Closet of a knit and shoe lover! Are you one of them? :)
Lots of pattern! :D
Sunny Weekend!
Try pairing the moustache watch with this look!
Will update this little corner if I found more photos :D
Credit to Trumblr, Pinterest, weheartit :D
Woo~ This style is awesome! I'm gonna try my best to source for the items :D
How about some heels? Which one do you like most?
Want to look more chic? This style suits you the most! :D
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Have a nice day on my page :)
Have a nice day on my page :)
Remember to like me on my Facebook Page for updates :
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