Project Sailaway night celebration
[SMOE: Project Sailaway night celebration]
Location: Yishun Orchid Country Club
Date: 21st June 2013
Overdue post
The decorations ...
Oh ya, this was the first and last project I've seen and handle of paper work
I joined during Jan 2013, last week of Jan till 31st July.

Getting bored.
Tired me :x
Group photo, short of few person too
Front : Contract Manager from main office, Ai leen, John, Project Manager
Back: Cho, Win in, ME and Moon (Both 3 ladies are contract officer)
Hui li (Admin staff who handle material) and Win in
ME and Moon
ME with the office boy (1 year older than me)
Very surprise as he look older than me! :X
He's always there to disturb me when I'm working as I am sitting near to the photocopier machine area.
Babu with Valerie (Admin Officer)
Babu with the ladies :)
And starts!
Program going on. Lots of high levels management people went as well as Norway management was there too. Engineer and office staff etc :)
It was so funny when this entertainer (lady) approached Farhan (Black shirt) dancing and singing infront of him.
Everyone was hungry and start eating food :D
It's like a buffet. Super long queue, but ladies first!
Office Buddy - Maheswaran (Kinda missed him)
This was the last photo I took with him.
Before I left the company, he was on leave back to India
A friendly dude who always help me out with email names etc :)
Hui li and me :D
My food :D
Hungry me, groping all food down very fast
Some dancers dancing Gangnam Style + Engineers
It was so funny! I regret not recording down the whole process as I was sitting quite a distance away!
Some cakes
Senior Contract Manager (In green) was invited to stage to either sing or dance. End up there's a lady accompanying her! The lady in black sing and my manager dance!
She was quite a fierce manager so this is the another side of her being a interesting person :)

And that's me! :D
Tired face!

With Engineer Ronnie :D
He is such a funny chap. Always coming upstair to disturb me and sister. When I'm sick, he bought his medicine for me, giving me some tibits etc too! How awesome is there. I'm being pampered even though I'm at work. Such a lucky lady :)

Last photo with Bulu
He went back India after the celebration.
Such a funny person and I missed him lots too!!

Ending my post here. Thank you for reading!
SMOE is a great company, stress and busy so if you ever wants to join this company, you must be a person that can handle stress! :)
However, I did not regret joining this company although I have nag, yell, almost cry etc when I'm back home due to stress. I've met/known many people there helping each other. Engineer, managers and the staff there too! :)
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